Tuesday, May 8, 2018

God Save the Queen and her family, but for hell(not heaven) where your souls should burn for eternity(here is what most murderous family have done yet again)

And its related to genocide against me for which Buckingham palace with John McCains and Bushes is well well deserved. If anything, this family should be publicly hanged(children and women except Queen spared).
Here is the individual who took entire British(not the latest - a bit outdated, but still deadly enough to murder numerous Ukrainians and other Eastern Europeans) military technology arsenal to Moscow - he did this time and again and for no less than 10 years on behalf of his father Prince Charles and Queen. Anything to get global neonazi plan going for which Russia has agreed. This same family would like to play saviors as millions will be turned into homeless across the night...they will be loading Red Cross(Karitas whatever - perhaps temporary job to clean toilets in UK, so your departure from your country can ease job for Putin in your country till hey throw you back to him) garbage on cargo planes and ships to depict themselves as beneficial to this world...

There is unlimited criminality(foremost cowardice - backstabbing) in this youngsters...they carried unlimited evil in them already(real seeds of Satan) at age 16/18 and what they learned ever since you can only imagine...

So Harry....here is your wedding gift from what you believed would become your "cuckold" ;) Enjoy Harry...

NOTE: will see if it will be as you have promised me under MKULTRA with your daddy and other garbage which traveled along the case will be...because if not, you will find yourself with your family in Hague for crimes(GENOCIDE charges and against me and against Eastern Europeans) against humanity ;)


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